Julie David OrdoyneWife

Chad Ordoyne (Melony)Son

Cindy Ordoyne (John)Daughter

Danielle OrdoyneDaughter

Henry Ordoyne IIIDaughter

Jason GlavianaStepson

Hunter PerezGrandchild

Gracie TheriotGrandchild

Ashley GlavianaGrandchild

Zachary GlavianaGrandchild

Marie Ordoyne HoldumSister

Claude Ordoyne (Faye)Brother

Crystal Faucheux (Glenn)Sister-in-law

Frank Musso (Patricia)brother-in-law

Henry Sr. and Marie (Tabor) OrdoyneParents

Thomas OrdoyneBrother

Billy Holdumbrother-in-law

Joanna BrewerSister-in-law

many nieces and nephews

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