Justin SwordsPallbearer- Son

Scott SwordsPallbearer- Son

Gary TreanorPallbearer- Friend of 40+ years (Pit Crew)

Pat BeatyPallbearer- Friend of 40+ years (Pit Crew)

John TokashPallbearer- Friend of 30+ years

Paul BirchfieldPallbearer- Friend of 30+ years

Zadin SwordsHonorary Pallbearer- Grandson

Don BaizeHonorary Pallbearer- Father-in-law (Pit Crew)

Denny MoyerHonorary Pallbearer- Friend of 30+ years (Pit Crew)

Scott SuttonHonorary Pallbearer- Friend of 30+ years (Pit Crew)

Gary SchneiderHonorary Pallbearer- Friend of 40+ years (Pit Crew)

Pat HaberthurHonorary Pallbearer- Cousin

Mike HaberthurHonorary Pallbearer- Cousin

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