Will Seagraves was loved. He was loved by his family, his friends, and his pets. And as much as he was loved, he was loving. He cherished his relationships. Although he struggled with many aspects of life, his was a powerful life that touched many people in its 21 years. He wanted to help people; he wanted to save the world. He was frustrated by his inability to get past his own issues and get on with doing something great. He saw his own mind as his greatest obstacle. But his beautiful mind was also his special gift. Although ruminating was his undoing, those big thoughts were often special and unique. When he was feeling good, he was ready to challenge the world. When he was down, he struggled just to hang on. And he really struggled because he desperately wanted not to hurt us.
As we seek to find a way to make Will’s passing a part of our new reality, we hope that everyone who knew and loved–no, loves–him will hold onto the great and special parts of him: his kindness, his incredible exuberance, even in the midst of his pain, his humor, and his concern for the well-being of people and animals.
To be loved by Will Seagraves was an incredible gift and one that we will forever hold in our hearts. God has him to Himself for now, but we will join him one day. Until we do, we will honor him with our lives.
There will be a celebration of Will’s life at Bernstein Funeral Home in Athens at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 26.
In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate memorial gifts to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, because Will would like that. Go to memorial.peta.org and search for his name.
Online condolences may be offered at www.bernsteinfuneralhome.com.
Bernstein Funeral Home and Cremation Service has charge of arrangements.
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