Louie and Fred MangrumParents

Jerry Moring (Debbie Buck)Son and Daughter-in-Law

Elaine (Steve) JohnsonDaughter and Son-in-Law

Debra (Harry) MeyerDaughter and Son-in-Law

Linda (Gene) HigginsDaughter and Son-in-Law

Brenda BaynesDaughter

Jeff (Kim) MoringSon and Daughter-in-Law

Michelle, Jeremy, Courtney, Jennifer, James, Jason, Stephanie, Brandi, Brian, LeAnna, Jocelyn, Christi, David and DerekGrandchildren

~ Thirty-one great grandchildren as well as many other friends and family members: Nicky ~


First Christian Church ( Disciples of Christ)415 N. Mill St., Festus, Missouri 63028

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