Ann SmithWife

Debbie AckleyDaughter

Lisa HowardDaughter

Tonya Harper (Allan)Daughter

Helen ParkerSister

Geraldine Carter (Kenny)Sister

Shawn Rinehart (Whitney)Grandchild

Chase RinehartGrandchild

Amber Finch (Justin)Grandchild

Christopher Howard (Casey)Grandchild

Michael StebbinsGrandchild

Roxyn RinehartGreat Grandchild

Brycen RinehartGreat Grandchild

Rylan RinehartGreat Grandchild

Braden FinchGreat Grandchild

Jacey FinchGreat Grandchild

Aaliyah HowardGreat Grandchild

Shonda StebbinsGreat Grandchild

Destiny McGinnisGreat Grandchild

Andrea McGinnisGreat Grandchild

Emily Walker (Anthony)Great Grandchild

Landan StebbinsGreat Grandchild

Liam WalkerGreat Great Grandchild

Erastus and Margaret SmithParents

Shaleigh StebbinsGrandchild



Ronald HpwardSon-in-law

Several nieces and nephews.



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