Francisco (Frank) O. Lozano, 90, of Union Gap, was born on September 11, 1927 in Wichita Falls, TX to Marcos and Romana Lozano. Frank is survived by his wife of 62 years, Mrs. Rachel C. Lozano of Yakima. Frank and Rachel raised three kids, Frank Lozano Jr. of Maple Valley, WA, Alphonso (Al) Lozano of Spokane, WA, and Yvonne (Bonnie) Lozano of Yakima. Frank has two grandchildren: Sarah Lozano of Seattle, WA and Jared Lozano of Boise, ID. Frank was from a family of nine children and is survived by five sisters: Fela Garcia, Quincy, WA, Gloria Trevińo, Toppenish, WA, Maria Garcia, Salem, OR, Cande Veliz, Salem, OR, and Elia Sanchez, Eagle Pass, TX. Including Olga Alvarado, Lupe Garza, and Lorenzo Lozano (deceased).


Frank Lozano Jr.

Jared Lozano

Michael Castaneda

Zachary Kane Castaneda

Sam Tomerlin

Anthony Veliz


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