In the early hours of Wednesday, February 9th, 2011, Thomas Arthur (Art) Evans, beloved husband of Mary passed away peacefully after a lengthy illness at the Riverview Health Centre. He was father to Joyce and Lorne, grandfather to Brett, Kyle, and TJ, father-in-law to Doug and Lisa. Art was predeceased by his parents, brother and sister and his grandson, his namesake – Thomas Arthur Evans. He is survived by his in-laws, Gwen Evans, Adrienne Nerbas, Grace Laramée and Yvonne and Victor Fredette as well as many nieces and nephews.
Art was the first born to Ann and Albert Evans, who had emigrated from Wales to Bangor, Saskatchewan. He was a brother to William (Bill) and Margaret (Peggy).
Art spent his youth in Winnipeg working with his father until entering the military and actively serving his country for 5 ½ years. Upon returning to Winnipeg, Art worked for the city of Winnipeg Engineering Department until his retirement in 1984.
Art married Mary Laramée on May 30, 1953 and were blessed with two children Joyce and Lorne. His family unit became the pride and joy of his life. Art was an active parent, all be it hockey or baseball coach or spectator, volunteering at the Victoria Community Club or Chauffer for the children’s activities. Art was a devoted, loving and supportive husband to Mary for 57 years. They were blessed with three grandsons who Art deeply loved and was so extremely proud of “my boys”.
Art was devoted to his family and also was a wonderful friend and helpful neighbor, who loved to share jokes and stories as he took his daily walks with Jaeger.
Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, February 12th at 11:00 am at St. Vital Catholic Church, 1629 Pembina Hwy with viewing beginning at 10:30 am.
Pallbearers will be Gary Thompson, Tom Thompson, Bill Evans, Ken Laramée, Allan Starodub and Marcello Petricig.
Our family wishes to thank the health care providers who gave respect and dignity to Art throughout his long illness, especially the Riverview CD1 staff, and to Fr. Barry Schoonbaert and Msgr. Patrick Morand who gave their spiritual guidance. Also, we wish to thank our friends, coworkers, neighbors and family who kept Art in their thoughts and prayers.