James and wife, Bonnie TharpSon and Daughter-in-Law

Michael and wife, Debra TharpSon and Daughter-in-Law

Kenneth and wife, Mariel BaughmanBrother and Sister-in-Law

Matthew and wife, Erica TharpGrandson

Elina and husband, Gregory SpiegelGranddaughter

Andrew, Miles, Alexander, and AmeliaGreat Grandchildren

Walter and Marie BaughmanParents (deceased)

Elvin L. TharpHusband (deceased)


Greg Spiegel

Steve Copeland

Brenda Stover

Mike Stover

Gordon Dolton

Matthew Tharp


Open Door Ministries2130 East 21st Street North, Wichita, Kansas 67214

Servicios Previos

lunes,20 junio, 2022


martes,21 junio, 2022

Funeral Service

martes,21 junio, 2022

Graveside Service