Dawn Joanne Underwood passed away December 31, 2014 at the age of 57 after an almost two year battle with lung cancer. She was born March 20, 1957 in Waco Texas in the Air Force. Dawn lived all over the United States.
She graduated in 1978 With a BA in Broadcasting Communications from Pepperdine University. She worked in marketing and sales for the rest of her life. Her biggest love was riding horses and her collies. Her favorite time of life was living in Colorado also working as a mountain trail guide.
Dawn is a self proclaimed Sci-Fi nut and spiritual researcher. She spent the last seven years of her life living in Westlake Village with her aging parents, Don and Robin Underwood.
Dawn is survived by her parents, brother and sister, five nephews and two nieces. Thank you for your time here with us all. May you finally breathe easy and rest in warmth, love, peace and light...and sandy feet Dear Sister and Daughter.