Eugene Gambrel Clark of White Plains, Maryland passed away on March 1st, 2022. Gene was born June 12th, 1935, in Benton, Kentucky and was 86 years old. He attended Benton High School, and was a graduate of Murray State College, with a degree in Chemical Engineering. After serving his country in the United States Army/Army Chemical Corps, Gene chose to pursue a career in Federal Civil Service as a Weapons Safety Engineer for the Department of Defense. There, he ultimately rose to the distinguished position of GS-15, the highest rank of the Federal General Pay Schedule. During his 30+ year Federal career, Gene served in a variety of assignments including the DoD Explosive Safety Board, HQ Army Advanced Weapon Support Command, and the Environmental Hygiene Agency. His unique expertise led him around the globe, resulting in his traveling to six different continents and nations too numerous to count. He was a member of the DoD's select team tasked with verifying the decommissioning of foreign chemical, biological, and radiological weapons in support of denuclearization and disarmament. Gene fiercely loved his family, and in later years, he enjoyed listening to tales and adventures from his daughters, grandchildren and great-granddaughters. He was a staunch advocate and defender of civil, human and women’s rights. Dating back to the 1960’s, Gene became active in the civil rights movement. He encouraged his daughters to march and fight for human and women’s rights after he was unable to. His ardent wish was for the world to be and do better. Gene is survived by his wife, Julia Anne Clark and his daughters, Anne Laura Galanti, Mary Lesley Romanoff, and Sarah Helen Dobbs. He has four grandchildren, Jessica Galanti Cayer, Russell Galanti, Max Romanoff, and Adara Romanoff; and three great-grandchildren Juliana Cayer, Olivia Cayer, and Victoria Cayer. Per his instructions, Gene will be cremated, buried in Benton, Kentucky, at the Cole Family Cemetery and have a portion of his ashes sprinkled in the Clark River. In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to one of his favorite charities: US Holocaust Memorial Museum (, National Museum of the American Indian (, the American Civil Liberties Union (, and Sierra Club (