In remembrance of Frank Pik Hung Chan, beloved husband, father and brother, who passed away on June 20, 2023. Frank is survived by his wife Winnie, his son Kourch (Jennifer), his three siblings Gladys (Barry), Raymond (Jessica) and Juvina (Joseph), his sister-law Flora, his God-daughter Veena (Tony) and nephews and nieces. He is predeceased by his brother Roger.
Frank was born in Hong Kong in 1938 to his parents Hoi Wan Chan and Fuk Yung Lai, as their first child. Frank loved his younger sisters and younger brothers dearly and he was protective as their eldest brother.
Frank was married to his wife for 56 years. Together they shared in their love for their son, their faith and their community of friends and family. As a father, Frank modelled courage, duty and a life well lived. He was kind, and enjoyed sharing his cooking, sports and laughter.
Frank travelled the five continents as a seaman and then as a marine engineer. It was during this time that he developed an affinity for the sea. In 1978, Frank and his family moved to Edmonton, Canada, where he began his second career as a journeyman welder. In 1995, his interests led to a third career in Vancouver repairing homes and apartments.
Frank made friends easily and was generous with sharing his time, his company and his knowledge with many. In his later years, Frank deepened his faith, returned to his art, practiced Tai Chi and became very passionate about fishing.
He looked for the best in people and gave the best he had.
Frank will be sorely missed by his family and friends. He is reunited with our Lord.
Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life (John 6:47).
為了紀念2023年6月20日去世的親愛的丈夫、父親和哥哥Frank Pik Hung Chan。Frank留下了他的妻子Winnie,他的兒子Kourch(Jennifer),他的三個弟妹Gladys(Barry)、Raymond(Jessica)和Juvina(Joseph),他的嫂子Flora和他的干女Veena(Tony)。他的弟弟Roger先於他去世。
Frank於1938年在香港出生,父母是Hoi Wan Chan和Fuk Yung Lai,是他們的第一個孩子。作為大哥,他深愛並保護了他的弟弟妹妹。
Frank和他的妻子結婚了56年。 他們一起分享了對兒子、信仰以及朋友和家人社群的愛。作為父親,Frank塑造了勇氣、責任和美好生活的榜樣。他很善良,喜歡分享他的烹飪、運動和笑聲。
Frank以海員的身份旅行了五大洲,然後又以海洋工程師的身份旅行。 正是在這段時間裡,他對海洋產生了親和力。1978年,Frank和他的家人搬到了加拿大Edmonton,在那裡他開始了作為熟練工的第二個職業生涯。1995年,他的興趣導致了在溫哥華維修房屋和公寓的第三個職業。