Sharon had 4 siblings named Larry, Sherman, Chuck, and Betty. On March 23, 1963 she married her husband William James Graves who passed away in 2003. They had five children named William James Graves Jr. (Deceased), Pamela Yvonne (Graves) Harger, Randy D. Graves, Steven Anthony Graves, Brent Allen Graves and their grandson Trevor M. Walton all of whom live in the surrounding areas of Traverse City, Kingsley, and Fife Lake, Michigan.
Sharon had 15 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren whom she loved to see and spend time with. When she was not spending time with her family, she was spending time with her two dogs Sofie Ann and Boo Boo.
Sharon loved to go shopping, play cards, spend time with family and friends, and have cookouts and get togethers at her home in Kingsley. She enjoyed sitting on her front porch, being outside, and always loved to have tons of family and friends around.
A celebration of life will be held in her memory on July 27, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. at her home at 2655 County Line Road Kingsley, MI 49649.