Barbara Wills ShawWife

Lee Roy Shaw Jr. (Micki)Son

Noval Shaw Hudspeth (Duane Brooks)Daughter

Anna ShawGrandchild

Josh Hudspeth (Nancy)Grandchild

Michael Brooks (Heather)Grandchild

Logan HudspethGreat Grandchild

KenLee HudspethGreat Grandchild

Olivia BrooksGreat Grandchild

Hailee BrooksGreat Grandchild

Deb HendrickSpecial Niece

Calvin ShawBrother

AD ShawBrother

Raymond ShawBrother

Margaret M. ShawLate wife of 50 years (deceased)

John ShawFather (deceased)

Carrie ShawMother (deceased)

David Lee ShawGrandson (deceased)

RubySister (deceased)

LouiseSister (deceased)

FlossieSister (deceased)

JohnnyBrother (deceased)

LonnieBrother (deceased)

WJBrother (deceased)

ClintBrother (deceased)

Mr. Shaw also leaves many precious friends and family.


Danny Culp

Robert Malone

David Mizzell

Jimmy Magourk

Johnny Harris

Dennis Murphy


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