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Ron Terry (Traci)Son

Cheryl " Sherry" ThompsonDaughter

Holly Callaway Doyal (David)Granddaughter

Bailey DoyalGreat Grandchild

Max DoyalGreat Grandchild

Kim TilleryNephew

Wray PedroNephew

Kimberly Curtis (Kevin and their children, Luke and Maisie)Great Niece

Snow TerryHusband of 75 years (deceased)

Grady J. TilleryFather (deceased)

Martha TilleryMother (deceased)

Grady A. TilleryBrother (deceased)

Joel TillerySister-in-law (deceased)

LaViece PedroSister-in-law (deceased)

Clara Mae TilleryMother-in-law (deceased)

C.M. TerryFather-in-law (deceased)


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Lugar de descanso final

Mary Jewel Tillery Terry

Contact us for flower removal schedule.