Predeceased by her husband Gordon. Mother of Lisa Caouette (Charles), Reta Faryon (Don) and Seth Jennings (Peggy). Step-mother of the late Ron, Murray (Carole) and Rose Mary Stephen. Grandmother to Renee, Megan and Krystine, Alexandra and Caitlin, Geordon and Lindsay, Alex and Cara. Predeceased by her brother Strathie Curtis and survived by her sister Carol Hallifax (Guy). Aunt of many nieces and nephews. Leona was born in Bible Hill, Colchester County, Nova Scotia to the late Douglas Curtis and Reta Nelson Curtis. She was first married to the late Arnold Jennings, father of Lisa, Reta and Seth.


Renee Caouette

Alex Stephen

Geordon Stephen

Patrick Nielsen

Benoit Soucisse

Michael Walker


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