Russell Fritz Namken was born in Las Cruces, NM the youngest of six kids to Myron Henry and Mabel Rose (Hoelscher) Namken. While still in elementary school, Russell moved with family to Lubbock, TX. The family later moved to San Angelo, TX where Russell attended High School. After graduation Russell moved to Arlington, TX and attended UTA, receiving a degree in Architecture.
After graduating from UTA he went to work for LA Blue Line, printing architectural plans and blueprints. He worked there until the business was sold and the employees let go. Seeking a new career, he moved to San Antonio, bought a Condo and began working for his brother-in-law’s CPA business.
Although Russell seemed quiet and somewhat shy to many people, he definitely had the gift of gab. He would easily chat with the clients coming in to have their taxes prepared. He always had a story to tell or a funny little quip to add.
Russ adopted two feral kittens during that time and they became the talk of our family. Pictures, videos and wild stories of the cats and the neighborhood squirrels began to take up a lot of his time and conversation. He named his kittens Smoke and Fire. He walked them daily on leashes, and loved them dearly.
Russell was an avid fan of tennis. He also loved to watch the Dallas Cowboys play. He always enjoyed a good mystery novel, some science fiction and fantasy as well. He gathered a substantial library of books over the years. Not one to miss out on good mysteries on TV, he could lead you to some great shows both on American and British TV. He had a memory like his mom’s for remembering characters and plots from books and shows. Russell inherited a green thumb from his mom and dad, and a variety of house plants could be found in abundance in his home and on his patio.
Russell is preceded in death by his parents, his brother Lannis Dwain Namken, and his brother Cleon William Namken.
He is survived by his brother Jerry C Namken of Dumfries, VA, and sisters Myra A. Namken of College Station, TX, and Melva R. (Namken) Gloden and her husband, Harold R. Gloden of San Antonio, TX, as well as five nieces and nephews.
Russell’s body will be cremated and find it’s final resting place in New Mexico.
He has left his mark on our lives and our hearts.
Into your hands, O Lord, we commend his Spirit.