.Kylee was preceded in death by her paternal grandparents, Norman (Lucille Pendley) Bible of San Antonio, Texas, her maternal grandfather, Bill Fagon Burch, her aunt, Lucretia Elizabeth Bible Byars, and her uncle, Patrick Murphy Burch. She is survived by her loving husband, Roy Bishop Martin, her daughter, Reagan Nancy Martin (22 months) and her son, William Bishop Martin (7 months) of San Antonio, Texas. She is also survived by her parents, John (Colette Reagan Burch) Bible of Portland, Texas, her maternal grandmother, Tommy Lee Reagan Burch of San Antonio, Texas, her brother, John-Thomas Reagan (Mary) Bible, her nephew, Hayden Thomas Bible and her uncle, Frederick (Ann) Bible. Her husband’s step-dad and mother, James and Nancy Huddleston, her husband’s maternal grandmother, Dixie Kennedy, both of Kerrville, Texas, her husband’s brothers, Bryan Martin and Andrew (Mandana) Martin, her husband’s nieces, Madison and Kira Martin, her husband’s nephews, Charles, Thomas, and Joshua Martin, also survive her.


Hayden Bible

Rick Bible

Fred Klaerner

Todd Knief

Andrew Martin

Charles Martin

Thomas Martin

Jesse Salazar


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