She is survived by son, Charles L. (Larry) Pearce and wife, Cindy; daughter, Linda Pearce Hauser and husband, Gregory (Greg); son, Kenneth H. (Ken) Pearce and wife, Gay Lee; daughter, Patti Pearce Davenport and husband, Willard (Willie); and son, Christopher O. (Chris) Pearce and wife, Hope; six grandchildren (Jennifer Pearce Schwantes; Scott Pearce; Tracy Hauser Roth; Salem Pearce; Jordan Pearce; and Andrew (Andy) Pearce. One grandchild, Kelly Pearce Huber, predeceased her); three step-grandsons (David Rook, Bruce Rook, Robert (Bob) Rook and their families—step-daughter Lisbeth (Libby) Rook predeceased her); eight great-grandchildren (Ashley Huber; Taylor Huber; Garren Schwantes; Charlie Roth; Jack Roth; Archer Pearce; Abbott Pearce; and Ames Pearce); sister, Janet L. (Net) McLendon; sister-in-law, Joyce Pearce Jackson; and several nieces, nephews and their families in Georgia.


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