Francisco and Mary CardenaParents (deceased)

Jesse CadenaBrother (deceased)

Mary Ann OlsenSister

Hortence HidalgoDaughter

Melba Solis FazDaughter

Maricella (Michael) GarciaDaughter

David Rene (Elvira) SolisSon

Francisco (Gerry) SolisSon

Patrick (Diana) HidalgoGrandson

Laura HidalgoGranddaughter

William Adam (Roxanne) TorresGrandson

Nicolas TorresGrandson

Desiree (Paul) FariasGranddaughter

Joel SolisGrandson

Megan SolisGranddaughter

Alejandro SolisGrandson

Maya HidalgoGreat Granddaughter

Arianna HidalgoGreat Granddaughter

Tristan HidalgoGreat Grandson

Jacob HernandezGreat Grandson

Robert HernandezGreat Grandson

Jissela EscamillaGreat Granddaughter

Ava EscamillaGreat Granddaughter

Zachary HerreraGreat Grandson

Elena TorresGreat Granddaughter

Nicolas TorresGreat Grandson

Elidia also leaves behind numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives, and a host of friends to cherish her memories...


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