Natividad Arredondo, Sr.Father (deceased)

Esperanza ArredondoMother (deceased)

Daniel Ray ArredondoGrandson (deceased)

Estella ArredondoWife

Clara Lemons (Terry)Daughter

Gladys Noriega (Robert)Daughter

George ArredondoSon

Tenny Ray ArredondoSon

Michele Eison (Garrett)Granddaughter

Dominic ArredondoGrandson

Case EisonGreat Grandchild

Gibson EisonGreat Grandchild

Amparo Villanueva (Mike)Sister

Sylvia GonzalesSister

Yolanda Fuentes (Victor)Sister

Diana Gonzales (Omero)Sister

Betty Hernandez (Sam David)Sister

Pete Holguin (Diana)Step Child

Vicky CasarezStep Child

Ruben HolguinStep Child

Soyla WozniakStep Child

He is also survived by 15 step grandchildren, 11 step great grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. He will surely be missed by his Chihuahua, Camila.


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