James Albert Rothrock

14 octubre , 194810 marzo , 2021
 Obituario de James Albert Rothrock
On March 10, 2021, Jim Rothrock’s slow roll around this orb ended after 72 years of wonderful loving and living. Born in Martinsville in 1948, he began an existence that many thought unimaginable after his father, Tom Rothrock, died way too early in 1963, leaving a supportive brother, Dru, and the indomitable mother, Ruth, as his core family. Mama, Granny Sally, Gladys, Willie and Oscar expanded the family. In January of 1965, Jim experienced a life-changing event, as he managed to hit a car while sledding, which resulted in a spinal cord injury. His paralysis prohibited him from walking, but he began at Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center in Fishersville, Va., to learn wheelchairing, caring for himself and learning to get in and out and off of and up into all kinds of things. Returning to his junior year at Mavahi, he learned a bit about Macbeth and chemistry and a whole lot about friendship. Randolph, Penn, Thomasson, Finney, Bugs, Jacobo, Doug and others too numerous to count, assured that Jim got the full high school experience - even achieving a few honors and a date now and then. Jim lived by the words of Joseph Pope and the Tams: "Be Young, Be Foolish, but Be Happy.” Give it a listen. Senior year came and went, college trips completed, and Jim found himself in Laurinburg, N.C. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian College was in the middle of nowhere, but a perfect fit for him: an accessible campus with roomies who became judges, doctors, financiers, entrepreneurs and well-rounded pals, mixing just a smidge of scoundrel and an abundance of all around good guyness! JJ, Arnie, Kline, Richmond, Hamp, Chris, Butch, Henry (with the great teeth), Bobby and Stuart kept him straight or if too difficult, sentenced him to time in the courtyard. With apologies to incredible professors who now are appreciated, but then almost ignored, he still learned a lot. Came up short on Aquinas and physics, but he saw how to get things done. Jim graduated after two summers and four years and although he was ready to work, he hit a wall. Barriers architectural and attitudinal (plus a crappy GPA) made jobs hard to find, but some leaders in vocational rehabilitation saw something to bet on and back to WWRC he went - training disabled folks on how to get jobs, a skill he had not quite mastered himself! Off to VCU he went in pursuit of an M.S. degree in Voc Rehab. Grades much better, attendance was perfect - quite a difference from St. A’s! Keith Wright, Dick Luck, Dick Hardy and John Cull provided role models at graduation, and a few honors were gleaned. Mary Tucker cut through VCU imposed barriers and career strategies were employed. But then…along came Jane. Back again at WWRC in the Fall of 1977, Jim went to serve as a grad assistant at a VCU program for new counselors in the Mid Atlantic. He was a go-fer, substitute lecturer and grader and dorm resident. Jane Noonan, newly hired in CT, came to the program located in the middle of nowhere. After summoning all the southern charm he could, he invited Jane to join him and Kennedy to go to the Wagon Wheel for darts, beer and the best french fries in the Valley - a romance began. Whirlwind indeed, as January brought an engagement, February a meeting of the families and an August wedding. Jim grabbed the brass ring of wives as more than four decades of bliss with Jane followed. The family spread, including Bun’s Bunch (Bun being the most incredible mother-in-law ever), a new sister – Susan and her husband, Paco, a brother, Jimmie and wife, Joy, along with Connecticut Yankee nieces and Spanish nephews galore. All held together by Joy’s world famous gravy. Throw in Dru and his boys, along with Ally and Joe and a good time was had by all on numerous occasions. Careers emerged for both and pretty soon a special delivery arrived – baby Sam! What a blessing he was, as with him boring days did not exist. Jim got to work for five governors (Wilder, Warner, Kaine - thanks for Obama and Queen introductions, McDonnell and McAuliffe) helping Virginians with disabilities exceed others’ expectations of them and vintage Virginians gain independence and dignity. Jane sold drugs (legally), worked for a great surgeon, pulled teeth in elementary school clinics and then discovered a corporate side with her partner, David. Two career paths well worth pursuit. Vacations spent at Holden Beach, surrounded by sister-wives made even the toughest years bearable. They realized canine blessings, including Clementine, Hooch and Mojo. Retirement gave Jim three years to reflect and encourage all to study as hard as Sam, and help others in need without seeking recognition; share compassion like daughter-in-law, Rebecca; play well like his favorite souffles - Henry, Emilie, Evie, Kate and Jack; be consistently good to others, sharing a smile to all like wife, Jane; hold hands more with those you love; share your wealth with organizations like Grace Baptist Church (, CultureWorks, Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia and WWRC Foundation; worship more frequently and get to know your minister - nothing harder than burying someone you hardly know; hug anyone who will let you; and vote BLUE. One would be remiss without another c about Jim’s mom. Being widowed in her 30s, becoming a full time caregiver for Jim, building a career from scratch, she earned the respect and love of all she met. He could not have gone astray too bad - even though he tried. She had a huge role in raising the unholy six. Many thanks to a team of docs who held him together all these years - Ken Olshansky, Leslie Cohen, Stephen Crossland, Derek Culnan, Paul Charron, Tony Sliwinski and Sid Jones. Jim thoroughly enjoyed his life, due largely to Jane, Sam, Becca and his "favorite five" grandchildren! Due to the pandemic, funeral and burial are private. Punctuation and grammar apologies to Mary Jane Powell and Everett King. Condolences can be made at WoodyFuneralHomeParham and see to the service .

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