Ross was born in Ft. Macleod, Alberta on October 25, 1955 to Sophie and Bill Butler, whom he will be reunited with, along with sister Janet and nephew Ryan. Ross also joins his partner Judy in the hereafter.
Ross leaves behind children, grandchildren, siblings, nieces, nephews and various strays and misfits both of the human and animal kind.
Ross will be missed by all, especially his large and blended family. He will be remembered by Mark, Trysten, Allie, Lesa (Trevor), Lori (Adam, Bob), and Chancy. Sherri and her family (Barry and Eric) Daryl and his family (Kathy, Bonnie and Stacey) Rick, James, Sam, Jessica, Hayden, Bella, and Liam
Ross lived a rich and storied life full of adventure and no little amount of misadventure as well. Ross loved nothing more than to sit with family and friends and share stories over a whiskey or a meal. As a person who lived most of his years on the road, driving truck across Canada and the US, family gatherings and reunions where those long unseen friends and family could gather and share a drink, a laugh and a story meant so very much to him.
Ross’s family is in awe at the outpouring of love from his friends and their support during this difficult time and we invite you to share your own memories and photos of Ross here with us and remember a man who has touched our lives in so many ways and will be so sorely missed.
Ross’s family thanks you, and Ross thanks you.
Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Butler family.