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George PhelpsFather (deceased)

Callie Mae (Medley) PhelpsMother (deceased)

Edward PhelpsBrother (deceased)

Mendella FainsSister (deceased)

Norman DeBooth IIISon (deceased)

Jacqueline D. PhelpsDaughter (deceased)

Karen J. PhelpsDaughter

Michelle M. PhelpsDaughter

Iris J. AllenDaughter

Brenda Ann SmithDaughter

Annette E. PhelpsDaughter

Cynthia L. Phelps-GlazeDaughter

April May PhelpsDaughter

George C. PhelpsSon

Michael M. PhelpsSon

Adell D. ArcherSister

Robert PhelpsBrother

Roland PhelpsBrother

Luereen also leaves behind 11 grandchildren, several great grandchildren and a host of nieces and nephews to cherish her memory.


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Lugar de descanso final

Luereen Jane Phelps

Contact us for flower removal schedule.