Susanne Carol McMahon lived a life marked by caring, compassion, and kindness. The loving wife of Jonathan McMahon, devoted daughter of Rudolph and Viola Vetter, and “big sister” to Barbara Vetter and Joanne McDaniel, Susanne is an angel in heaven now just as she was an angel on earth to all who had the privilege of being touched by her.
Susanne did not always experience the “luck of the draw” in life, yet she never complained about how life treated her. Even when diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January, 2012, she lived each moment with concern about and love for her family. She bravely walked her journey and showed those around her what courage is all about.
Susanne will be missed by the everyday people she encountered; the teller at the bank, the clerk at the grocery store, the nurses at the cancer center. Each of these and countless others were blessed by her. She is where she needs to be now. She is healed and one of God’s angels. She has the peace and quiet she sought in the waning hours of her life, and her spirit will serve forever as a guidepost to those who were a part of her life.
Private services.
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