1965年他與譚莉結婚, 育有一女, 沁雯。
他出生在傳統基督徒家庭, 從小信主。青少年時曾一度離主。結果在頭破血流之時,悔改認罪回到主的身邊。從此他堅定信念, 跟隨侍奉主。經常分享自己的見證, 向慕道友傳福音, 勸人信主。
他性格開朗又執著, 待人熱情, 愛憎分明, 心直口快。行醫30多年, 他對各類病人體貼, 關心, 愛護, 認真負責, 是位深受病人尊敬和喜歡的醫生。他對父母, 岳父母等老年多病者之照顧更是細心, 周到, 故有大孝子之稱。
在波士頓和波特蘭兩地, 他都積極而熱情地侍奉。無論是青年學者還是學生, 他都抓住任何機會傳福音。他接棒長青團契事工, 服侍年長的弟兄姐妹。
2006年患帕金森疾病, 近年來病情加重。在神的恩典中, 他也曾向神有過抱怨, 但他都能真誠而毫不猶豫地向人分享神的救贖, 滿懷盼望。近日因跌跤骨折而住院就醫。感謝神的大能, 他沒有任何疼痛, 於7月14日13:16被主接回天家。主愛他, 讓他歇了地上的勞苦重擔。
Zhu Shangyao was born in Shanghai on November 3, 1939. After his childhood, he moved to Nanjing with his parents, where he studied and worked until his retirement. He and his wife immigrated to the United States in November 1996. After living in Boston for seven years, they moved to Portland in 2003.
In 1965, he married Tan Li and had a daughter, Qin Wen.
He was born into a traditional Christian family and was a believer early on, but he left the Lord as a teenager. Only after many setbacks and failures, he repented, confessed his sins and reunited with the Lord. He had since followed the Lord with determination. He frequently shared testimonies, preached the gospel, and persuaded others to follow the Lord.
He was joyful, persistent, enthusiastic, and frank. During his 30-year long career practicing medicine, he treated all kinds of patients with love, care and accountability, and was loved by many. His care towards the elderly, including his parents and in-laws, was especially considerate and thoughtful, and he was known as the big dutiful son.
In both Boston and Portland, he served the Lord actively and enthusiastically. He took any available opportunities to spread the gospel to young scholars and students. He later took on the responsibilities of the Evergreen Fellowship and served the older brothers and sisters.
He was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2006, and his condition worsened in recent years. Although he sometimes made complaints to God, in God’s grace, he continued to share God's redemption with sincerity and no hesitation. He was recently hospitalized for the treatment of a fracture caused by a fall. Thanks to the power of God, he did not suffer any pain. He was taken up into heaven by the Lord at 13:16 on July 14. The Lord loves him, lets him rest and relieves him of the burden of the earth.