Gertrude BeaumierMother (deceased)

Philip BeaumierFather (deceased)

Eddie BakerHusband (deceased)

Michael BakerSon (deceased)

Kenneth MillerSon-in-law (deceased)

Philip BeaumierBrother (deceased)

George BeaumierBrother (deceased)

Henry BeaumierBrother (deceased)

Donald BeaumierBrother (deceased)

Marie GurallDaughter

Edward (Tom) Baker (Stephanie)Son

Diane BakerDaughter-in-law

Nancy Baker MillerDaughter

Nancy Monish (Dick)Sister

Amanda GurallGrandchild

Christopher BakerGrandchild

Kimberly BakerGrandchild

Nicole (Baker) RiehleGrandchild

Melissa (Baker) KimballGrandchild

Victoria BakerGrandchild

Katelyn (Miller) ElieGrandchild

Jonathan MillerGrandchild

Samuel MillerGrandchild

Christopher BastonGrandchild

Cecilia (Baston) FisherGrandchild

Ray BastonGrandchild

As well as twenty-two great grandchildren and many special nieces and nephews.


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