Frederick FalenderFather

Doris (Newmark) FalenderMother

Gordon GayerHusband

Elaine was also survived by her children, Elisabeth, Daniel, and Carlin; her children-in-law, Ryan, Sarah, and Noah; and her grandchildren, Grace, Neil, Hope, Micah, Leif, Joy, and Lily. She is survived as well by her stepmother, Joan Falender of Belvedere, CA, and her much-loved brother and sister-in-law, Stephen and Debra Falender, of Aspen, CO, and their children and grandchildren. She is also survived by the many delightful in-laws she acquired from her husband’s large family, particularly enjoying friendship, football-watching and symphony-going in recent years with Alan and Sally Gayer of New Castle, NH.


Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters

Congregation Bet Ha’am


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