Louise Mah OngWife

Kendall (deceased) and Beate OngSon and daughter-in-law

Randall and Allison OngSon and daughter-in-law

Addison and Sara OngGrandson and granddaughter-in-law

Dylan and Chloe OngGrandson and granddaughter-in-law

Connor OngGrandson

Courtney OngGranddaughter


In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to First Baptist Church of Scottsdale, 7025 E. Osborn Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85251; First Chinese Baptist Church, 4910 E. Earll Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85018; or to the Kendall Ong Memorial Scholarship: https://pbacharities.wufoo.com/forms/kendall-ong-memorial-scholarship-donation/

Servicios Previos

sábado,05 diciembre, 2020
