Maria (Sid) HiersDaughter

Karen (Roy) OverstreetDaughter

Luann (James) SchofieldDaughter

Barbie (Mark) BeinkeDaughter

Charley (Beverly) SpiveySon

Troy SpiveySon

, Louis SpiveyHusband (deceased)

Eugene and ZelmaParents (deceased)

Lucille, Eugene (ET), Ronald (RV), Loretta, Juba, DonaldSiblings (deceased)

Debbie SpiveyDaughter-in-law (deceased)

Jared GriffinGrandson (deceased)

14 grandchildren, 22 great grandchildren and many extended family members, including nieces, nephews, and other friends who became part of the family because of her special love and relationship to them.

Servicios Previos

jueves,02 junio, 2022


jueves,02 junio, 2022

Funeral Service

lunes,13 junio, 2022

Committal Service