Ronald Willard Frieberg, beloved husband and father, passed away peacefully at his Carmel Valley home on May 11. He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Eva Frieberg and his two children, Lars Frieberg of San Juan Bautista and Kristin Gibbs of Carmel Valley, CA.
Born in San Leandro, CA. on February 6, 1935 to Orville and Veronica, Ron had one older brother, John Coleman, who has passed away. He attended San Leandro High School and graduated from University of California Berkeley in 1959 with a degree in Business Administration. Ron was a member of the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity and an Air Force Reserve member. After college, he traveled through Europe for six months. During that trip, he met his future wife, Eva, in Stockholm, Sweden. They were later married in Stockholm in June of 1962.
Ron started his long career with the Ford Motor Company in 1960. After advancing through the company ranks, he and his family were transferred to the company headquarters in Detroit, Michigan. After returning to California, he had the opportunity to become a part of the local Ford dealership in Salinas, that was named Erwin Ford. In 1983 he completed the purchase of the dealership on Abbott Street that was now named Salinas Valley Ford and is located at the Salinas Auto Mall. He was co-developer of the Salinas Auto Mall, built in 2000, where all of the franchised new car dealers are now located. He loved being a part of the Salinas business community and seemed to know everyone in local business and the city and county administrations.
Ron was a contributor to many local organizations including construction of The Steinbeck Center Salinas, the Salinas Community Swim Center, Boy Scouts of America and The Salinas Rodeo. Ron also donated to many Veterans organizations and multiple WWII Aircraft restoration projects.
One of Ron’s proudest achievements in life was reacquiring the original Frieberg Family homestead farm in Beresford, South Dakota. His great-grandfather, Lars Peter Gustafson, who immigrated from southern Sweden in 1868, farmed the quarter section of corn. Ron’s mother had to sell the farm in 1958 after his father died. Ron was so proud to purchase the farm back in the late 1990’s and restored the original grand farm house to honor his father and his family heritage in America. It has now grown to over 550 acres of productive corn and soybeans. He loved to tell the local Ag community farm owners the he too was a farmer!
Ron loved traveling around the world with Eva, especially to Sweden that was both of their heritage. As an avid water and snow skier he made Lake Tahoe his most favored place in America for vacations. Many fond memories with family and friends were spent on the lake and mountains. He loved big celebrations including the Thanksgiving turkey that had to be BBQ’ d on a slowly rotating spit for many hours. Relatives from all over the state came to give their required Thanksgiving dinner speech to express what they were thankful for. The wine and tears flowed those evenings as multiple generations learned how to celebrate life and to express their thankfulness for all of life’s gifts.
His large persona, his personal integrity and strong will to succeed through discipline and hard work were respected by all who knew him. He taught these grand qualities to his children and grandchildren who will honor him by continuing to pursue these traits in their lives. A true leader and great man who will be dearly missed yet forever remembered by his wife, children and grandchildren; Jenna and Laura (Sara & Lars Frieberg) and Brent, Dylan & Sophia (Kristin & Don Gibbs).
Ron will be buried in the Dalesburg Lutheran Cemetery in Beresford, South Dakota near the Frieberg family farm. A memorial service will be held in California to celebrate his life later this summer.