James Cleveland Starks, 83, of Sherwood was born December 16, 1934, in Marianna, Arkansas. He passed from this life into the loving arms of his Heavenly Father, surrounded by his whole family on August 19, 2018. He was preceded in death by his father, Marley Cleveland Starks, his mother, Eltia Woodard Walker Starks, two brother Aubrie Neal Starks, Sr. and Billy Joe Starks. Four sisters, Louise Starks Fowler, Nina Mae Starks Fowler, Marley Sue Starks Fowler, Rose Starks Mathis, and Joyce Starks McCurry-Wisener. He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Shirley Elizabeth Starks, two sons, Patrick Starks (Ailsa) and Philip Starks (Susan), three daughters, Lori Starks Thomas (Allen), Julie Starks Harper (Clinton), and Melissa Starks Higginbotham (Butch), 16 grandchildren, and 25 great-grandchildren.
He was a long time, faithful member of Victory Baptist Church in Sherwood, AR where he served as Deacon. He never passed up an opportunity to talk to someone about the love of his precious Lord and Savior. He was a retired truck driver for ABF Motor Freight Company. He enjoyed fishing with his longtime friends Bill Driggers, Sr. and Harvey Penn. Hunting, camping, gardening with his grandchildren and great grandchildren, repairing lawnmowers, volunteering his time with the Union Rescue Mission and especially cherishing the love of his life and bride of 63 years was what brought him the most joy. Donations can be made to Victory Baptist Church for the mission work of Bro. Glen Knight/Remote Island Ministries, Palau and Micronesia. www.griffinleggettresthills.com