Arjun Dev Bhalla – A Great Man
Born in what is now Lahore, Pakistan, on August 13, 1931,
Daddy welcomed the world with a big “Good Morning.”
Leaving Lahore with no possessions,
the Bhalla family moved to New Delhi, India,
during the Partition of India in 1947.
Mr. Bhalla, our beloved Daddy,
received his degree in architecture from Baroda University in Gujarat.
Thereafter, from 1952–1977, he worked as an architect at Punjab National Bank.
Daddy married his wife Swarn Lata on May 7, 1956.
In 1977, Daddy and his family moved to America.
In America, he fully enjoyed his life, from working various jobs to spending time with his family.
After retiring, Daddy productively spent his time counting quarters,
perfecting his handwriting, and making phone calls to everyone he cared about.