Robert Henry (Bob) Boh, a lifelong resident of New Orleans, born on September 15, 1930, died on Friday October 20, 2017. Loving and devoted husband, father, and grandfather, he is survived by his beloved wife of 61 years, Katherine Sandoz Boh, their three children, Robert Sandoz Boh (Ann), Elizabeth Anne Boh, and Stephen Henry Boh (Hallie), and six grandchildren, Richard C. Boh, Patricia P. Boh, C. Robert Eshleman, Katherine B. Eshleman, Stephen H. Boh, Jr., and David H. Boh. He was preceded in death by his parents, Henry and Catherine Boh, and his grandson, Michael R. Boh. Bob was an honor graduate and salutatorian of the class of 1947 at Jesuit High School, and received Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in civil engineering at Tulane University in 1951 and 1953. In 1951 he continued at Tulane to pursue graduate work in the Civil Engineering Department and served as a part-time faculty member in 1952-53. In 1953 he accepted a position as instructor in the Civil Engineering Department at Tulane, and served in this capacity until 1955. From 1959 to 1968 he was a visiting lecturer in Civil Engineering. It was during his final semester on the faculty at Tulane that he met his future wife, Katherine Hilton Sandoz. Bob and Katherine were married on October 27, 1956, and he was blessed with unparalleled friendship and love for 61 years. In 1955 Bob joined Boh Bros. Construction Co. as an engineer on the first Mississippi River Bridge project in New Orleans. When a successor corporation was formed in 1960, he became a member of the Board of Directors and was also elected Vice President. From 1967 through 1993 he was President and Chief Executive Officer, and he has been Chairman of the Board since 1987. He was an active participant in the construction industry on local and national levels for much of his career, and received several awards for his activities on behalf of the industry. Bob and Katherine have had the great pleasure of seeing their sons Robert and Stephen join Bob at Boh Bros. and succeed him in the management of the Company, as well as their daughter Elizabeth having a career in banking and investing and community services. Bob was also active in civic affairs, and he served as President of the Chamber of Commerce of New Orleans in 1985. He also was on the boards of numerous organizations, including Junior Achievement of New Orleans, which honored him with its Hall of Fame Award in 1985 and its Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009. Other groups in which he was active were the United Way Campaign, Ochsner Medical Foundation, The Mayor’s Charter Review Committee, Bureau of Governmental Research, and the Public Affairs Research Council. He also was a member of the Times Picayune Advisory Board. In other business associations Bob became a member of the Boards of Directors of the Hibernia Corporation and Hibernia National Bank in 1968 and was Chairman of the Boards from 1992 to 2003, when he retired. He was also a board member of Tidewater, Inc. from 1978 to 2005, Ocean Drilling and Exploration Company from 1980 to 1987, and Bell South Technologies from 1992 to 1996. Bob was also active in the affairs of local educational institutions, including the Archdiocese of New Orleans School Board, the Jesuit High School Advisory Board, and the Academy of the Sacred Heart. In 1976 he became a member of the Tulane University Board of Administrators, and was its Chairman from 1988 to 1993, when he retired. Tulane conferred on him an Honorary Doctorate in 1996. Bob was a member of the Louisiana Air National Guard from 1950 to 1961, when he retired with the rank of captain. Bob was an avid golfer and was a member and past president of the New Orleans Country Club. He also was a member of several social and carnival organizations, including the Pickwick Club and the School of Design. He reigned over the New Orleans Mardi Gras in 1998 as Rex, King of Carnival. Above and beyond his many lifetime achievements, Bob Boh had the great good fortune to have and share the constant love and companionship of his beloved wife, Katherine Sandoz Boh, and the love and friendship of his children and grandchildren. The funeral Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at the Holy Name of Jesus Church on Saint Charles Avenue, where Bob and Katherine were married in 1956. Visitation will take place at 10:00 a.m., with Mass at noon. The burial will be private. In lieu of flowers, and if you are so inclined, please send a donation to the charity of your choice. Condolences may be expressed at