She is gone now, our beloved Ida is gone. She slipped quietly across the veil at 5:04 Tuesday morning. This was as it should be. For the past two days she had been hovering between this life and that. This fact was recognized when she ceased to cry out over the pain that had beset her for the past two months.
She lay still the day before speaking no more, save for when she was left alone for a few minutes with her husband of 58 years. Having her to all himself, he said to her, "My dear honey, I think you can hear me. Please know that I love you so very much, more than words can say!" He should not have been surprised to hear her respond one last time, "I love you too!" Those were the last words he was to hear her speak in this life, but they must suffice.
Is this the end? No! The two did not marry for time. Their marriage is timeless, and bespeaks of eternity, and that which is eternal is never ending, worlds without end!
Is their communication ended? If you think thus, it is because you do not know him, nor do you know his Ida. She is just beyond the veil, a veil which is thin indeed for those who have the faith to penetrate such.
He poses the question: "Did I love her fifty eight years ago when I first married her? Yes! What has changed? Only this, that I love her more, with a love that transcends time and eternity, a love that shall never end. Therefore, what more shall I say of my beloved? 'And it came to pass that the Lord said unto me...Thou hast been faithful; wherefore thy garments shall be made clean. And because thou hast seen thy weakness, thou shalt be made strong, even unto the sitting down in the place which I have prepared in the mansions of my Father."
Ida was born on the 27th day of October, 1946 to Hilario and Ernestina Torres. She was 16 and Chris was 17. "We are very young, and the odds are against us, but let us promise each other that come what may, we will never mention the "divorce" word." Through some incredibly hard times, that promise was kept, and their home was eventually graced with seven children. The tally of posterity runs currently to 19 grandchildren with another on the way, as well as three great grandchildren. She is adored by her brother Arturo "Tencha" Torres and sisters MaryLou Pacheco, Esther Lerma and Susie Gonzales.
Ida was partner and assistant instructor in her husband's Chris Lopez Soryu Karate School. It demeans her to call her "assistant" instructor, for anyone who trained in the school when she was present quickly recognized that she was every bit her husband's equal as an instructor, and the one who laid down the rules. Consider just three of the products of her instruction: Grand Master Instructors Jeff Bonugli, Jesse Lussier, Arvey Escobedo, and Master Instructor Jay Scott Council, all of whom operate or operated successful schools of their own. There were other outstanding Black Belt fighters who were tutored by her, these being Jimmy Santellan, Gerald "Tuper" Wood, and Mario Soto, all now deceased.
Ida is a legend in the annals of the rough and tumble Texas Soryu Karate of the past, being the first woman to examine for the rank of black belt in that style in 1975. Her instructor had said that no woman would ever receive a black belt through him. Ida went 27 rounds against fresh opponents to prove him wrong. Such was her stamina and endurance that at no time did she ever fight defensively. She was pure aggression, never slowing down. Her contribution to her husband's school was to help make it the number one fighting school in Central Texas.
When it came time to put aside karate and raise a family Ida was full heartedly involved, and the love her children have for her is proof of that. She is adored by her children, Debbie, Delfina, Chris Jr, Jared Stephanie Sanders, Jacob, Elizabeth Skola and Brandon; many grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews. There is her devotion to the Lord and to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, where she served faithful within the children's Primary Organization for 27 years. Three of those years she served as that organization's president. There were another two years serving in the Texas San Antonio Temple of the Church.
Her faith in the Lord is such that in the last two days of her life, she asked for a worthiness interview with both her bishop and a stake presidency member, the next higher organization, She was but hours from passing and could barely muster the strength to answer the questions asked. Her husband wept at the conclusion when she struggled to whisper to him, "I passed, I can go now..." Not her husband, nor her bishop, nor the stake presidency member ever had any doubts as to her worthiness. Thanks be to the divine atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, Ida Lopez crossed the veil pure and without guile.
A public viewing and visitation for Ida will be held Tuesday, September 21, 2021 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Zoeller Funeral Home, 615 Landa St, New Braunfels, Texas 78130. A prayer service will occur Tuesday, September 21, 2021 at 7:30 PM, 615 Landa St, New Braunfels, Texas 78130. A church service will occur Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 10:00 AM at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1390 Hanz Dr, New Braunfels, TX. A burial service will occur Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 12:00 PM at Guadalupe Valley Memorial Park, 2951 TX Hwy 46, New Braunfels, Texas 78130.
Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Lopez family.
She was born to Hilario and Ernestina Torres. Husband Cristobal.She is adored by her children, Debbie, Delfina, Chris Jr, Jared Stephanie Sanders, Jacob, Elizabeth Skola and Brandon; many grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews. She is adored by her brother Arturo "Tencha" Torres and sisters MaryLou Pacheco, Esther Lerma and Susie Gonzales.