Clarence Edward "Eddie" Thompson – beloved son, husband, father, and grandfather passed away Monday, January 19, 2015. He was a master plumber who worked in the Mobile area for 35 years. Mr. Thompson was preceded in death by his father, Marvin Cazalas Thompson , and brother, Charles James Thompson. He is survived by his wife of 26 years, Donna Foster Thompson; daughter, Megan Elise Thompson Bruhl; son, Zachary Thomas Thompson; grandchildren, Heidi Nicole Bruhl and Wyatt Preston Bruhl; mother and step-father, Minnie Thompson Wiley and Marion Woodson Wiley; sisters, Dolly Thompson Flowers (Tyler), Alice Thompson Johnson (Larry),and Sophia Thompson Smitherman (Steve); brothers, Paul Daniel Thompson (Madee) and Marvin David Thompson (Theresa); aunt, Betty McBride; 11 nieces and nephews; 5 great-nieces and nephews; other relatives and friends. A memorial service will be held at Radney Funeral Home on Dauphin Street on Friday, January 23, 2015, at 2 p.m. Condolences may be offered at Arrangements by Radney Funeral Home, 3155 Dauphin Street, Mobile, Alabama 36606.