Michael Steven Gimbel, commonly known as Mike and Uncle Mike, passed away on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at the age of 51, due to an unexpected cardiac event. Born to Butch and Barb Gimbel on December 29, 1968 in Des Moines, IA, Mike was their only son and the middle of two sisters, Kathleen and Carolyn. He went on to graduate from DeWitt Central High School as quarterback of the football team, and joined the military. Mike then served as an Electrician’s Mate in the United States Navy for 3 years, receiving letters of commendation for outstanding physical excellence and duty performance. Born and raised in Iowa, Mike was also a skilled electrician. He later resided in Arizona gradually refining how to make each and every person he met smile and laugh with his jokes and sense of humor. He was a loving, goofy, and supportive uncle, brother, son and friend, as well as a lifelong Colts, Hawkeyes, Cubs and Nascar fan. It didn’t matter if they won or lost, he remained loud and loyal, and never lost hope in the team, players or drivers.
Mike is preceded in death by his father, Clarence “Butch” and is survived by his mother, Barbara, sisters Kathleen and Carolyn, niece and nephew Hailey and Ryan. Mike was loved by many, valued dearly by his family and will be missed by all who knew him.
A burial service will be held on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 in front of Mariposa Gardens Memorial Park and Funeral Care, 6747 E. Broadway Rd. Mesa, AZ 85206.
In lieu of flowers, Mike would have wanted any donations made in his name to go to any animal shelter or humane society.