Edward Blount Turner and Ruth Crenshaw TurnerParents (deceased)

Howard “Boots” WhitsittHusband of 64 years (deceased)

Allen Whitsitt (Beth)Son

Bob Whitsitt (Laura)Son

Liz McEwan (Dan)Daughter

Alison Hinson (Gary), Hal Whitsitt, Camille Beilling (Pat), Hannah Knight (Will), Rob Whitsitt, Hastings McEwan, Will McEwan and Luke McEwanGrandchildren

Elizabeth and Nell Hinson, Olivia and Liam Beilling and Ruby, Millie and Jane KnightGreat Grandchildren


Rob Whitsitt

Hastings McEwan

Will McEwan

Luke McEwan

Will Knight

Patrick Beilling

Gary Hinson

Hal Whitsitt

Servicios Previos

lunes,27 marzo, 2023


lunes,27 marzo, 2023

Memorial Service