Eric is survived by his wife of 19 years, Wendy; his daughter, Brianna; his step-children, Amanda Barmore and Eric Lance Crabb; his grandchildren, Rowan and Jace Barmore; his mother, Gail Stanley; his father, Earl (Ruth) Rose; his sisters, Stephanie (Sean) Bulenrose and Kristin Rose; his nephew, Edmond Simon; and numerous extended family members.Eric is survived by his wife of 19 years, Wendy; his daughter, Brianna; his step-children, Amanda Barmore and Eric Lance Crabb; his grandchildren, Rowan and Jace Barmore; his mother, Gail Stanley; his father, Earl (Ruth) Rose; his sisters, Stephanie (Sean) Bulenrose and Kristin Rose; his nephew, Edmond Simon; and numerous extended family members.


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