Frank is survived by Linda, his wife of 36 years, and daughter Nicole of Little Elm, TX. He was preceded in death by his parents and a daughter, Shannon. His daughters were a great joy to him. Frank’s parents both came from large families so he was blessed with many cousins. He was especially close to the “Naff boys”, Dan, Barry and Ken, who were like his younger brothers. Their father, Tom, was a combination second father and older brother.


Danny BeboutActive Pallbearer

Joe ReaganActive Pallbearer

James SlackActive Pallbearer

John SloanActive Pallbearer

Rick WatkinsActive Pallbearer

Wendell ThomasonActive Pallbearer

Bob BelascoHonorary Pallbearer

Bob CantyHonorary Pallbearer

Terry CoffmanHonorary Pallbearer

Bill DavisHonorary Pallbearer

Dick DonavonHonorary Pallbearer

Wally DunksHonorary Pallbearer

Jim HaleyHonorary Pallbearer


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