David “Goo-Goo” Guzman, beloved husband, father and papa, passed away peacefully on January 24, 2021 at his home in Longmont, Colorado. Born on December 31, 1944 in Brush, Colorado to the late John Henry and Margaret (Suarez) Guzman.
At 17 years old, he lost his father John, to a devastating accident and shortly left high school to start work full time, in order to assist his mother to provide for his ten siblings. From his first marriage, he had his daughters, Louisa and Elaine . He began his long career at the beef plant industry, first at Sigmans, and then at American Beef. During this time frame, he lived in the family house that his mother left in his care, known as the “Red Barn.” David had many memorable and wild parties at the Red Barn or at “Nicks” in Snyder. In 1972, he met Rebecca Vasquez of Fort Morgan, who would soon become the love of his life. Together they raised their daughter Michelle, and son Michael Angelo. A man of many stories, he would love to share with anyone who would listen. He would love to hunt and fish the family. His favorite fishing spots were in Red Feather Lakes, Pruitt, Spinney Mountain and Lake McConaughy and Lake Ogallala, Nebraska. At Angelo’s wrestling matches, you could hear David coaching loudly from the sidelines. If it was not his son wrestling, he would coach and cheer for the rest of Brush team, which gave him the nickname “Uncle Dave”. Although his health would be his biggest obstacle to overcome, his sense of humor and sharp wit would keep him and his family laughing in stitches together through the tough times. David will be reunited in heaven with his parents, brothers, Freddie and Marty, sister, Louisa, nephews, Paul and David and daughter, Elaine. He is survived by his wife Becky, daughters Lisa and Michelle (Neil), son, Angelo and grandchildren, Elijah Anthony, Ethan, Xander and Gabriella. David’s ashes will be spread out through Colorado by his immediate family. No public memorial or church service will be offered. Please visit howemortuary.com to share personal condolences or stories of David.