To Jesus Ruiz Jr., the entire world was a stage. An expressive, optimistic, and uninhibited individual, he was a performer in the theater of life. To everyone around him, he seemed to be eternally happy, and he willingly shared that joy with anyone whose life he touched. For Jesus, bringing out the best in any situation was as easy as offering a smile, a witty remark or the twinkle of an eye. And with just those simple gestures, he could evoke the most pleasant of emotions. Jesus really mastered the art of living and had great fun in doing so.
Jesus was born on December 22, 1973 at Elko General Hospital in Elko, Nevada. His parents were Jesus and Leonor Ruiz. Jesus was raised in Elko, Nevada. Even as a child, Jesus had the ability to lift the spirits of all those around him. He was raised to be warm, caring and friendly. He couldn’t help but capture everyone’s attention. He was definitely a little bit of a show off, but in doing so, he succeeded in entertaining his entire family.
Always a good playmate, Jesus was easygoing and fun loving. He managed to lighten the mood wherever he was, even during family squabbles. He seemed to have a knack for bringing compromise and erasing tense situations around the house. Due to a generous dose of common sense, Jesus managed to find a satisfying solution to basic problems. He had one older brother Elias and two sisters, Leticia and Esther.
All of Jesus's playful good humor carried over into his childhood. He was possessed with an outgoing personality, a lively imagination and a mellowed enthusiasm for life that allowed him to be constantly on the go. As a result, Jesus experienced a rather active childhood, and this suited him very well. He took part in football, baseball, track and wrestling. In his spare time he liked fishing, girls, and hanging out with his friends. Jesus' memorable achievements included being voted "Best Personality" in Junior High.
Ask anyone who knew him from school and they would tell you that Jesus was a class “cut-up.” He didn’t do it to be unkind or to garner all the attention. Rather, Jesus simply enjoyed others’ laughter and the sounds of his friends and acquaintances having a good time. It could be said that for Jesus, grades may not have been the most important thing to him, but he really did enjoy his school experience. Since experience was Jesus's best teacher. He enjoyed hands-on learning and applying the “practical” approach to knowledge, rather than getting caught up in “theory.” Jesus graduated from Elko High School in 1992. His favorite courses were History and Math. Mr. Briggs and Mr. Brown were his favorite teachers. EHS football, wrestling, baseball, and track team, High School Football Athlete of the Month, (MVP), and his High School Diploma. He lettered in High School Football, Wrestling, and Track.
Jesus reveled in his college years, where his imagination could run free. He was viewed by many of his classmates as being a creative, artistic person. Jesus was usually found at the center of things, whether it was during class or in extracurricular activities. He was a jovial person who loved to share his passion for fun with others. But for Jesus, life was not a case of all play and no work. Jesus relished the task of putting his imagination to work in class. He was able to discover new and different ways of answering problems and creating unusual and different solutions. He studied business management at the University of Nevada Reno and the University of Nevada Las Vegas.
Jesus never actually encountered a stranger in his dealings with people. He was drawn to individuals and crowds, using his gregarious, adaptable and outgoing personality to captivate his audience. This quality allowed Jesus to continually develop new relationships, ever widening his circle of friends. Jesus delighted in his role among all his acquaintances, because he viewed them all as potential spectators for his performance. Whether it was a story, a joke, a song or just plain fooling around, Jesus was always right at home putting on a show among his friends. Jesus utilized his interest in others as a great way to connect with them. While growing up, some of his best friends were Chip Briggs, Neal Ortman, Raymond Gonzales, Juan Martinez, Juan Lara, Jayson Brown, Adam Erwin, Richard Valtierra, Gary Harp, Sergio Marin, Ramon Marin and Jason Bartosell. Later in life, he became friends with Juan Sandoval, Jesse Keenan, Eli Quintoa and too many others to list. Jesus loved sharing life and having his home filled with people he knew.
Perhaps the reason Jesus related so well to children was the fact that he never really completely grew up himself. The ability to be just a “kid at heart” helped him in raising his own children. Jesus had the ability to focus his attention on the present moment. If he was spending time with the kids, that’s where all of his attention was directed. Jesus's compassionate side helped him be a great father and he could turn just about any situation into a playful, learning experience. He could spend hours entertaining them with fun and creative play.
At work, as in life, Jesus was a real “people person. ” he had a very successful way of dealing effectively with others, and his enthusiasm and energy was often contagious. Jesus liked to see himself as something of a virtuoso. When dealing with various projects and problems, Jesus was an adaptable realist, using his common sense and trusting his experiences and impulses to uncover the correct answer. Jesus's talent for being a down to earth thinker, allowed many around him to see Jesus as an excellent problem solver. He was employed for 15 years in the audio / visual related fields, but the last 7 years he has been the owner and president of his own business, Audio Video Security, LLC. His primary occupation was an Audio Visual Technician at R2W, Inc.
Jesus enjoyed his leisure time by taking part in various hobbies. His favorite pursuits were fishing, riding All Terrain Vehicles, camping, and hanging out with family and friends. Jesus was content to enjoy his hobbies and was also willing to share his interests with others.
Jesus felt excited and challenged by sports. He was athletically gifted. Jesus loved to participate and thoroughly enjoyed the competition and the pleasure of being around other people. Jesus relished the opportunities where he could make an impact, and he would often push himself to play above his abilities. A quick thinker who understood the basics, Jesus never seemed to get caught off guard, even when confronted with unexpected conflict. In high school, Jesus played football, wrestling, baseball and tack. In his college years, Jesus continued to stay active by playing football. Recreational sports included coaching Pee-Wee football and riding ATV vehicles. Jesus was also a sports fan and enjoyed watching his favorite events whenever he got the opportunity. Tops on his list were boxing and UFC.
Vested with a deep concern for spiritual development, Jesus recognized that his faith was important to him throughout his life. He was a member of St. John Neuman Catholic Church in North Las Vegas.
Living life in the fast lane suited Jesus just fine. It is no surprise that he loved to find new travel destinations for him and his family to go camping and ride ATVs. He loved the real life adventure that came from visiting new places. He was impulsive and willing to try anything once. Favorite vacations included fishing trips, Mexico, Sea World, and various ATV riding sites.
Jesus enjoyed his Tropical Fish which brought him peace and tranquility. They were his pets that he cared about.
Jesus passed away on December 31, 2010 at Dumont Dunes in Baker, California. Jesus had a tragic accident doing what he enjoyed, riding his Polaris Razor (ATV) in open terrain. He is survived by his four children, Jesse, Junior, Mercedes, and Daisy, his parents, Jesus and Leonor, siblings, Elias, Esther and Leticia. Services were held at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church. Jesus was laid to rest in Palm Memorial Park - Northwest, Las Vegas, Nevada on January 10, 2011.
Jesus brought joy to all of those around him. He never had a mean bone in his body. He loved to have a good time and was an eternal optimist, always looking on the bright side of things. He loved his kids, family, and all those dear to him. He loved to share his energy, wit, and his zest for all of his activities with his friends and family. Jesus Ruiz Jr. lived life to its fullest and made everyone around him happier just for knowing him. He will be remembered with a smile.
Jesus Ruiz Jr.
Memorialized by:
Palm Northwest-Funeral Home, Las Vegas, NV
Para Jesús Ruiz el mundo entero era un escenario. Un individuo expresivo, optimista y sin inhibiciones, era una estrella en el teatro de la vida. Para todos alrededor de él, estaba eternamente feliz y compartía aquella alegría con todos en su vida. Para Jesús, el hacer lo mejor de cada situación era tan simple como ofrecer una sonrisa, dar un comentario pícaro o pestañar su ojo. Y con tan solo esos simples gestos evocaba las emociones mas placenteras. Jesús realmente dominaba el arte de vivir y se divirtió mucho en el proceso.
Jesús nació el 22 de Dic. de 1973 en el Hospital General de Elko, Nevada. Sus padres son Jesús y Leonor Ruiz. El se crió en Elko y aun de niño tenía la habilidad de levantar los ánimos de cualquiera. Creció atento y amigable. Capturaba la atención de todos. Definitivamente fue un sobrado, pero en serlo, triunfo en saber entretener a su familia.
Siempre un buen amigo, Jesús era fácil con quien llevarse, juguetón y cariñoso. Siempre reducía la tensión en los pleitos de casa sabiendo ayudar a la familia a llegar al compromiso. Debido a su gran sentido de lo común, Jesús lograba encontrar soluciones a problemas básicos. Jesús tuvo un hermano mayor, Elías y dos hermanas Esther y Leticia.
Su sentido del humor y el ser juguetón lo tuvo desde niño. Poseía una personalidad extrovertida, una imaginación muy vivida y entusiasmo por la vida que lo mantuvo siempre activo e inquieto. Por ende, participo en fútbol Americano, béisbol, carreras de atletismo y lucha libre.
Al preguntarle a cualquier compañero de escuela le dirían que era el centro de atención. El no lo hacia adrede y por ego, sino que simplemente le gustaba escuchar la risa de otros y hacerlos pasar un buen tiempo. A pesar de que para él sus notas de escuela no le eran tan importantes, siempre le gustó aprender y disfrutó su experiencia ahí. La experiencia fue la mejor maestra para Jesús. Él prefirió la practica a la teoría. Se graduó de Elko High School en 1992. Sus cursos favoritos fueron historia y matemáticas. Sus profesores favoritos fueron Mr. Briggs y Mr. Brown. Sus logros incluyen formar parte del equipo de fútbol Americano, lucha libre, béisbol y carreras de atletismo. Fue el atleta del mes de su equipo de fútbol Americano y destaco en todos estos deportes.
Jesús se desarrollo mas en la Universidad ya que tuvo libertad para dejar libre su imaginación. Fue visto por sus compañeros de estudio como una persona creativa y artística. Incluso aquí Jesús siguió siendo el centro de las actividades como una persona jovial que compartía su pasión por la diversión. A Jesús le encantaba poner su imaginación a trabajar en sus clases. Él pudo descubrir nuevas y diferentes maneras de responder problemas y crear soluciones inusuales. Estudió Administración de Empresa en la Universidad de Nevada Reno y en la Universidad de Nevada Las Vegas.
Para Jesús no había extraños. Su personalidad gregaria y extrovertida lo atraía a todos y los cautivaba. Esta cualidad en él lo ayudo a desarrollar un gran circulo de amistades. Para Jesús toda amistad era su publico para entretener con una historia, una broma, o una canción. Tenia un gran interés por toda persona y lograba conectarse con cada uno de ellos. Algunos de sus mejores amigos fueron: Chip Briggs, Neal Ortman, Raymond Gonzales, Juan Martínez, Juan Lara, Jayson Brown, Adam Erwin, Richard Valtierra, Gary Harp, Sergio Marín, Ramón Marín and Jason Bartosell. Luego en su vida formo amistades con Juan Sandoval, Jesse Keenan, Eli Quintoa y tantos más imposibles de nombrar. A Jesús le gustaba compartir su vida y su hogar con aquellos que conocía.
Jesús se relacionaba muy bien con los niños, y esto tal vez fue porque se puede decir que nunca creció. El ser “un niño de corazón” lo ayudó a criar a sus propios hijos. Él tenia la habilidad de poder enfocarse en el presente. Si estaba con los hijos, a eso se dedicaba por el todo. Su gran compasión lo ayudo a ser un buen padre que lograba tornar cualquier situación a una experiencia divertida. Horas paso entreteniendo a sus hijos con sus juegos creativos.
Tanto en el trabajo como en su vida, Jesús fue orientado a las personas. Resalta en su vida su manera de lidiar efectivamente con todos por su entusiasmo y energía contagiosa. Él se veía como un virtuoso. Cuando tenia varios proyectos y problemas, era un realista adaptable que usaba su sentido común, su experiencia e intuición para descubrir la respuesta. El ser realista y centrado lo ayudo a verse por otros como una persona que con excelencia resolvía los problemas. Trabajo 15 anos en la carera de audio visión, y en los últimos 7 años fue presidente y dueño de su propio negocio: Audio Video Security, LLC. También trabajaba como técnico audio visual para R2W, Inc.
Jesús gozaba de su tiempo libre en varios pasatiempos. Sus favoritos fueron la pesca, el montar sus carros de terreno (ATV), campamento y el pasar tiempo con sus amistades y familia. Él gozaba de todo esto y compartía sus intereses con los demás. A Jesús le entusiasmaba los deportes y también se sentía retado por ellos. Él era un atleta natural. Aparte de lo que practicó en la escuela secundaria, también jugo fútbol Americano en la universidad. Como recreación entrenaba Pee wee Fútbol Americano y montaba vehículos de ATV. Como ávido fan de los deportes gozaba ver los partidos de boxeo y la liga de boxeo UFC.
Vestido por una gran preocupación por su desarrollo espiritual, Jesús reconoció que su fe era importante para él. Fue miembro de la iglesia católica St. John Neuman de Las Vegas.
A Jesús le gustaba vivir la vida rápida. No fue sorpresa el que le gustara encontrar nuevas rutas en sus viajes de campamento en sus ATV’s. Le gustaba la aventura de conocer nuevos lugares. Era impulsivo y dispuesto a tratar todo una vez. Algunas de sus vacaciones preferidas fueron sus paseos de pesca, viajes a México, Sea World y lugares donde montar su ATV.
Jesús tuvo de mascotas sus peces tropicales que le traían paz y tranquilidad y los cuales cuidaba mucho.
Jesús falleció el 31 de deciembre del 2010 en Dumont Dunes, en la ciudad de Baker, California. Tuvo un trágico accidente haciendo lo que le gustaba, montar su ATV, Polaris Razor en el campo abierto. Esta sobrevivido por sus cuatro hijos: Jesse 16, Júnior 11, Mercedes 9 y Daisy 7; sus padres Jesús y Leonor y sus hermanos Elías, Esther y Leticia. Los servicios fueron en la iglesia Católica St. Francis de Sales. Fue sepultado en Palm Memorial Park Northwest, Las Vegas, Nevada el 10 de enero del 2011.
Jesús trajo alegría y jubilo a todos alrededor de él. Nunca tuvo un hueso malo en él. Le encantaba pasar un buen rato, y siempre fue un eterno optimista viendo el lado positivo a las cosas. Amo a su familia, sus hijos y tantos cercanos a él. Le encantaba compartir su energía, picardía y amor por la vida con sus amigos y familia. Jesús Ruiz, Jr. vivió su vida a la máximo e hizo a todo mundo alrededor de el feliz, simplemente por conocerlo. Será siempre recordado con una sonrisa.