James Harley Howe and Helen Elizabeth Euge HoweMaternal Grandparents (deceased)

Arthur SchuetzeAdoptive Father (deceased)

Ja'Nette Ann Santos SchuetzeWife

Ethan Daniel Schuetze and Tristan Connor SchuetzeChildren

Amber Victoria and Jacob Perez (Liam Tyler & Bentley Chase)Children and (Grandchildren)

Arian Hae'ja Borja and Amanda Ann Mills (Zoe Angeline)Children and (Grandchildren)

Gail Howe SchuetzeMother

Tamara EdmondsonSister

Kevin & Deirdre NagurskiBrother

Brian & Natasha NagurskiBrother

Jan NagurskiFather

Jose Anderson & Carol Pickelsimer SantosParents-In-Law

James & Gloria Balcomb-Lowman, Joeleen Santos, Greg & Janiece Santos SablanSisters & Brothers-In-Law

TJ & Jotasha Santos Krueger, James & Mary Grace Santos, Jenine Santos and Jaysha SantosSisters & Brothers-In-Law

Damian also leaves behind numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews to cherish his memory.

Servicios Previos

jueves,02 mayo, 2019


jueves,02 mayo, 2019

Funeral Service