He was preceded in death by his parents, Henry Lee and Bonnie Fontenot Ritter, and his younger sister, Peggy Teresa Ritter. He is survived by his wife, Linda Peavy Ritter, who was his faithful hiking, kayaking and traveling companion of almost 40 years. Also surviving him is his daughter, Tami Chrisope of Lake Charles, La. He is survived by his grandchildren, Ethan Freehling (Magan), Rayne, La., Hannah Mak, Cameron, Mo. and Isaac Freehling, Lake Charles, La. He spent two years with his first great-grandchild, Maggie Leigh Freehling, Rayne, La., who made him smile every day. His sibling survivors are Donnie Ritter (Kaye) Vinton, La., Paula Guillory (Pat) Ville Platte, La., Phyllis LaFleur of Estherwood, La., Craig Ritter of Owasso, Ok., Kelli Buller (Lucas) Ville Platte, La., Bo Ritter of Reddel, La. and Chad Ritter (Lisa) Mereaux, La.


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