Mary DeFriece LewisWife of 67 years

Donald (Estenia) LewisSon

Glen (Linda) LewisSon

Sam (Lori) LewisSon

James (Susan) LewisSon

Tom (Stephanie) LewisSon

Sylvia (Mike) BrownDaughter

Janice (Haynes) MillerDaughter

Ruth (Tracy) HoltsclawDaughter

Mary Katherine (Timothy) GannDaughter

Linda (Robert) RobertsDaughter

Eugene (Janet) Lewis, and Walter (Alice) LewisBrothers

Mary Kestner, Sarah (Marvin) Perry and Reba HumphreySisters

Carolyn LewisSister-In-Law

Twenty-Four GrandchildrenFamily

Thirteen Great-GrandchildrenFamily

Numerous Nieces and NephewsFamily

Ann TrentSpecial Caregiver

John M. Lewis and Celia Blevins LewisParents- Deceased

Dellno Lewis Sr., John Lewis, Dan Lewis, and Claude LewisBrothers Deceased

Willis Humphrey, Betty McVey, Roxie Humphrey Miller and Gladys Hall HocketSisters- Deceased



Servicios Previos

martes,25 junio, 2019


martes,25 junio, 2019

Funeral Service

miércoles,26 junio, 2019

Graveside Service