Charles was preceded in death by his parents W. A. Whitten and Velma Eddleman Whitten, his brothers Paul Whitten (elder) and W. A. Whitten II (younger), and his beloved Indy. He is survived by four children (Helen Whitten Cobb, David Charles Whitten, Margaret Whitten Drummond, and John William Whitten), thirty-nine grandchildren, forty great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren.


Steve CobbActive Pallbearer

Josh WienerActive Pallbearer

Mike MitchellActive Pallbearer

John WhittenActive Pallbearer

Nathan WhittenActive Pallbearer

Philip CobbActive Pallbearer

Timothy CobbActive Pallbearer

Nick GamblinActive Pallbearer

Bruce MitchellHonorary Pallbearer

David WhittenHonorary Pallbearer

Sam drummondHonorary Pallbearer


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