Tami was considered by the world a “Homemaker”, but in reality, she was a life changer. Tami raised two beautiful children, was an unreplaceable wife, had countless friends due to her ability to draw people in to her world with kindness, love, honesty and transparency. She lit up the room with her presence and had a one of a kind personality that allowed others to let down their barriers.
Tami never met a stranger, and people were touched by her words, empathy and outward love. Tami led many to Christ through her personal testimony, willingness to listen, and by the light she shined so brightly, and her obedience to Christ provided people eternal change beyond this world – “Life Changer”. Tami made it known to all that she was a Princess of the Lord’s and would always have his favor, and she did and was Heavenly Royalty.
Additionally, Tami enjoyed reading her bible and praying on her beautiful porch, traveling, eating out with her husband, Paul Thorn concerts, and the countless hours she shared her love in her home. Her family brought her joy that cannot be articulated, she talked everyday to her children expressing motherly wisdom and love to her son and being a best friend to her daughter. No paragraph will be ever be enough to express what Tami exuded into the world. Tami was beauty, grace, light and love.
Tami was preceded in death by her mother Ann George, and is survived by her husband Gary Ragusa, daughter Jordyn Hakes, son-in-law Derrik Hakes, her son Jonathan Ragusa, and her grandsons Hudson Hakes and Rylan Hakes, brothers Larry and Greg George, and many other extended family members.
Jeff Austin
Mike Pucciarello
Brad Sylvester
Rob Ariatti
Blake Williams
Brent Mann