On August 28, 2023, at age 75, Steve Uschak has gone to find fellow Bridge & Risk players in the afterlife– in search of more aggressive competitors. While instilling a fierce love of a variety of games in his children; he never “let” anyone win, they had to earn it. And when they did, he was the proudest person in the room, even though “you all just ganged up on ME!”
Steve attended the University of Houston to become a teacher and English major, but quickly discarded that professional direction in favor of his competitive air-hockey endeavors. Later, while eliminating entomological pests on the side; he became a full-time stay-at-home dad and wrangled his own “pests.” He focused on his childrens’ education through a variety of methods. This included long, extended and interminable dinners involving geographic quizzes (based on coins collected); mathematical questions (rapid-fire); history lectures (meandering); trivia checks (eye-rolling) and - his favorite - twenty questions about his kids’ day. We fondly remember his continual efforts to read with us at an early age; collecting and reviewing the history of coins; and listening to Astros baseball in the background. His enthusiasm for our fox hole digging, fort building, and school sporting events will be remembered. He showed us his love by imparting loquacious lessons in life, books handpicked for each individual, and newspaper articles underlined (with deeply pressed red ink for emphasis) for our benefit. We love you Dad and appreciate all that you have taught us: camping and exploration; tools and DIY; changing a tire and checking the oil; museums and learning; electrical wiring; and, most memorably, games of luck, skill, reasoning, and knowledge.
Steve is survived by his faithful and supportive wife, Pamela Ann Uschak, who gamely played Scrabble and Spite & Malice on many evenings. His four children continue his competitive legacy: Mary Sheehy (Risk, Cribbage, and Scrabble); Hannah Uschak-Cruz (Risk, Clue, and Sorry!); Sarah Milian (Risk, Boggle, and Bridge); and Michael Uschak (Risk, Cribbage, and Scrabble) – and have passed on the same to his (thus far) eight grandchildren: Vincent, Andres, Nico, James, Jackson, Simon, Amelia, and Olena. Steve is also remembered by his mother, Justyna Uschak, siblings, brothers- & sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews – many of whom have enjoyed a game and a drink or two.
All are welcome to attend the Rosary & Viewing on Friday, September 1st from 4pm – 8pm at Advantage Funeral & Cremation Service (7010 Chetwood Dr.) and Burial with Reception on Saturday, September 2nd starting at 10:30am at Forest Park Westheimer Cemetery. Afterwards, there will be Beer, BBQ, and Bingo & Board games reception for all at Houston Barbeque Company 1127 Eldridge Pkwy (BYOB is permitted). He specifically requested that visitors “don’t come all weepy eyed. Tell a good story and drink a beer for good ol’ Steve.” In-lieu of flowers (“that’s more Pam’s thing” - Steve), please donate to your favorite charity in Steve Uschak’s name. If you like, consider anything related to books & literacy or vision-related (Lion’s Club collects glasses), etc.