Petra se casó con Alfredo Vásquez el 28 de septiembre de 1975. Era testigo de Jehová y se bautizó en julio de 1991. Le encantaba asistir a las reuniones del Salón del Reino y servir a Dios. Petra fue una persona amable y humilde que tocó la vida de muchas personas. Le encantaba cantar y escuchar música, especialmente su música de mariachi porque le recordaba de dónde venía, su México lindo y querido.
Le sobrevivieron su esposo Alfredo Vásquez, hijos Guadalupe y Alfredo Vásquez Jr., su hija Elizabeth Vásquez Martínez, 11 nietos, 2 bisnietos, 3 hermanos y 8 hermanas. Petra fue una increíble hija, esposa, madre, abuela, hermana, tía y amiga.
Petra Vasquez of 63 years of age passed away March 1, 2020 in Houston, Texas. Petra was born in Matehuala, San Luis Potosi, Mexico on December 4, 1956.
Petra was married to Alfredo Vasquez on September 28, 1975. She was a Jehovah Witness and baptized on July 1991. She loved attending the Kingdom Hall meetings and serving God. Petra was a kind and humble person that touched the lives of many people. She loved to sing and listen to music, especially her mariachi music because it reminded her of where she came from, her beloved Mexico.
She is survived by her husband Alfredo Vasquez, sons Guadalupe and Alfredo Vasquez Jr, daughter Elizabeth Vasquez Martinez, 11 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren, 3 brothers and 8 sisters.
Petra was an amazing daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend.