Lawrence Robert Garvin, born June 20, 1959, passed away unexpectedly on February 8, 2015 at age 55. He is survived by his wife Maria Garvin, daughter Francesca Garvin, son Jason McColpin, brother Gregory M Garvin, stepchildren Jacob and Valerie Pinillos, and Sacha and Trevor Garvin – children of sister-in-law Delores Warren Garvin. Services will be at unity Church of Christianity, 2929 Unity Dr, on Thursday February 12th at 2pm.
Preceded in death by father Robert, mother Beverly, and brother Steven J Garvin, Lawrence was born and raised in Ohio. An avid musician then, he attended Bowling Green State University as an undergraduate and later attained a Master’s degree from University of Arkansas while serving as a missile officer in the US Air Force. He joined his family in Texas after his services. In 1999 he met his wife Maria and they married in 2000. He then applied his extensive knowledge in computer software and systems for 25+ years in the IT industry. Along the way, he earned a Microsoft MVP award many years in a row and later became head geek at SolarWinds. He will be sorely missed by family, friends and the numerous individuals he touched along the way. He was taken from us entirely too soon, but his presence will remain with us always.