Betty Beal Thieme of Houston, Texas, passed from life through death and into eternity on Tuesday, the 9th of November 2010. She is now absent from the body and face to face with the Lord Jesus Christ. Betty was born on the 19th of April 1918 in Tucson, Arizona to Mona Lelia Ballfinch Beal and Richard S. Beal, Sr. She was the beloved wife of Robert B. Thieme, Jr., and devoted mother of Robert B. Thieme III. She is survived by her son, Robert; her sister, Margaret Ryan; and brothers, Richard S. Beal, Jr. and David P. Beal.
Betty was a pastor’s daughter, a pastor’s wife, and a pastor’s mother. Her life was dedicated to the Word of God, and to her family who preached it. She was truly a Christian warrior in her service for the Lord and to Berachah Church, epitomizing the words of Joshua 24:15, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Betty was a homemaker all of her life. It was a career she relished. She was a total support to her husband in his fifty-three years of ministry with Berachah Church. She was the foundation of the family; tireless, devoted, behind the scenes, without whom the household could not have functioned. She was totally dedicated to the same goal as her husband in the ministry; the dissemination of the Gospel and the teaching of God’s Word.
Betty was a fantastic mother. She was nurturing, yet relentless in her drive to bring up her son in the ways of the Scripture. She took every opportunity to instill the importance of the Lord in his life. That training was a tremendous preparation for a later life of ministry as the current pastor of Berachah Church.
Betty was accomplished in her own right. She wrote 35 volumes of children’s Bible studies, still in use today, taught children’s home Bible classes for over twenty years, and edited many of the publications of Berachah Church.
Betty Thieme made her transfer from time to eternity in God’s provision of dying grace and with the firm understanding that "for me, living is Christ, dying is profit" (Philippians 1:21), for Jesus Christ proclaimed, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies” (John 11:25). The apostle Paul wrote a eulogy for the faithful servant in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.” When she stands before her Lord, she will hear the words of Matthew 25:23, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
A memorial service is to be conducted at seven o’clock in the evening on Wednesday, the 17th of November, at Berachah Church, 2815 Sage Road in Houston. A reception is to follow at the church.
In lieu of customary remembrances, memorials may be directed to R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries, 5139 West Alabama, Houston, TX, 77056.